There’s some crazy stuff happening at the bird 🐦 place tonight, people quitting getting locked out. Wow may collapse soon, who knows.

Just checking to make sure I’m still on here since it looks like Musk is going to take over that other place, I want to make sure I still have a place to land if the other place is turned into Truth Social II.

I see the future of the British Monarchy is in good hands.

If this is the best the NRA owned GQP can put on the table, a whole lot more innocent people are going to die because of them.

Boats boosted

Elizabeth de la Vega wrote:

'There were NOT two conspiracies. At Trump's level, the various means to overthrow the election were fully intertwined and they all led up to the 1/6 insurrection. It's not at all inconceivable that a POTUS who orchestrated such events should be charged with seditious conspiracy [...] The Tarrio et al indictment charges the defendants with conspiring with others "known and unknown." It is not limited to the Proud Boys.'
[1 of 3]

Mrs. Boats just asked me where that last pecan tart went, I told her “I have no idea where it went and I had nothing to do with it, but if I did, which I didn’t, it’s because I believe that these pecan tarts were fraudulently stolen!”, despite watching her make them from scratch, as I kept right on chewing.

Her response 🙄

Boats boosted

@Boats Like someone said on NPR yesterday, "a failed coup without consequences is just a practice run". It's stochastic terrorism scaled up.

The only way the GQP can win the gun control debate is for us to stop talking about it, they think they can weather the storm, and it’ll just go away until the next one, and up till now that is exactly how it’s played out each and every time we have a gun massacre, so if we don’t continue to push the issue going forward aren’t we just as guilty as the do nothing Republicans of letting it slip away until the next lives are taken? We can’t let it go this time, too many lives are counting on us.

Here’s the rest of what he had to say, don’t know why it didn’t post with the last one.

If you don’t believe me this is what a gun salesperson had to say...

The only reason the Insurrectionists GQP don’t want to give up their Assault Rifles that massacre so many people, is because their 1776 moment on 1/6, the attempted Coup to overthrow their duly elected government, in order to install an unelected Dictator failed, and they’re hoping if at first they didn’t succeed, to try, try, again one day.

Boats boosted

Alex Cole wrote:

Recent administrations with the MOST criminal indictments:
Trump (Republican) — 215
Nixon (Republican) — 76
Reagan (Republican) — 26

Recent administrations with the LEAST criminal indictments:
Obama (Democrat) — 0
Carter (Democrat) — 1
Clinton (Democrat) — 2

Although I’m extremely hopeful, I’m also extremely jaded, how many times has the Rug been pulled from under us, Emoluments, the Mueller Report, two impeachments, NY Taxes, and nothing definitive from Georgia as of yet.


When they’re done could they be a peach and Court Martial Flynn and anyone else that had anything to do with the delayed response to 1/6, and put the veterans back on active duty that participated and court martial them as well, thanks.

Nice, but you don’t stop future attempts to overthrow our lawfully elected government by just putting the followers in prison, all of their leadership all the way to the very top, must be held accountable too, or else they will keep trying until they succeed.


Not enough DINO! No one under 21 should be able to own, possess, or touch a firearm unless in the line of duty as a military serviceman or officer of the Law, Red Flag laws, Background Checks, Gun Registration for all guns bought, sold, gifted, or handed down, liability insurance to cover any accidental injuries or deaths from the weapon, and a complete ban on all assault rifles period, with amnesty for voluntary turn ins, and a buy back program. That’s what I want.

This old salty retired Navy sailor has been extremely lucky to have been able to watch his grandsons grow from babies to young men, while other grandparents have lost their grandchildren to guns. I want them live long enough to fall in love, and have families of their own one day. So no, I don’t give a flying f*** about your right to own an assault rifle, over their right to live, and I never will!

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