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Blue Tiger boosted

Your help made things possible for them when they needed it most and I just wanted to say thank you again. 2/2

GoFundMe Update: I know some of you remember my Sister's house burning down last Christmas losing everything in the process and a lot of you helped (and I'll always be thankful for that). 😊

Anyway, I just got home from visiting them and their new house is absolutely incredible!😮 it's spacious, has a dream kitchen, plenty of rooms for her sons and daughters - it's just amazing. My wife and I dropped off some stuff to them and they are all in good spirits and are recovering. 1/2

*🚨Royal Rumble Spoilers🚨* Show more

Blue Tiger boosted

A few minutes of sheer panic as my phone alerted me of an incoming ballistic missile coming to Hawaii with notice that “This is Not a Test”. Took a few minutes to get confirmation this message went out in error. Waiting for my adrenaline levels to normalize.

My heart goes out to the people in Hawaii. I can't imagine the absolute fear and panic getting that message!

Blue Tiger boosted
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Blue Tiger

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.