So, my countersocial page does not show my profile, nor is my name above or anywhere around this box.

One must know oneself before one knows others, I think.

Well, after getting off twitter I find I never come here as it is virtually impossible to figure out. The view is over-crowded, where is search?, the dark background is unpleasant. I gave it a try but, really, this is competition for nothing.

So, I apparently didn't win $2 billion. Now what?

If you live in CT don’t forget to vote “yes” on the question to amend the state Constitution to allow early voting.

Many people are saying the guy who threw a beer can at Ted Cruz was mad about Cruz’s father’s involvement in the JFK assassination.

Hey, just asking the question.

Great win yesterday for the NYJets, sending all the Bills fans home from MetLife a lot quieter than when they came in. J-E-T-S, baby. 6-3.

That fresh air you are enjoying here is what happens when the fetid odor of the Musk-Rat has been left behind.

Gonna pin this on my profile for the foreseeable future.

There are two hashtags for ex-bird shite people looking for others: and . Share this with your pals on Twitter.

The funny part isn't that the bigots coordinated the attack using 4chan, it's that they needed to.

Future attacks will be coordinated within Twitter itself, since it is now a safe haven for bigots.

And the targets will be anti-bigotry accounts, particularly the triple-parenthetical ones.

BlazingPrattle here. Let all refugees from the Musk Rat join hands.

Among the many astounding things about the world in 2022 is that there are people who believe it's good for free speech that the richest man in the world is sole owner of a social media platform. Down with Musk Rat fascism.


CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.