It's like following you accountant on socials. Unless he is in a throuple, it will be boring. is always in a throuple.
As the saying goes: “Follow the money” is a snappy way to say: investigate financial transactions and use them to extract information or evidence about a crime, suspect or criminal network."
Now not only criminals in he common sense, but Corps, greed & the Oligarch class!
I wonder why the owners of our media companies don’t like Biden.And why are all the money baggers green-mailing desperate democratic politicians running for office & refusing all campaign money if they don’t publicly announce that Biden should withdraw?
Sister Joan Anthony Marie would say “It’s a Mystery.” I think a large group of rich people are greedy and don’t give a shit what’s good for America - they want all the money, power, and don’t care about climate crisis . That’s a mystery!
They are billionaires who want to continue to exploit the average citizen to increase their wealth. Nothing but Greed!