The massive push across the American media to get the worse president that we have ever had back into White House.
They are billionaires who want to continue to exploit the average citizen to increase their wealth. Nothing but Greed!
It's like following you accountant on socials. Unless he is in a throuple, it will be boring. is always in a throuple.
As the saying goes: “Follow the money” is a snappy way to say: investigate financial transactions and use them to extract information or evidence about a crime, suspect or criminal network."
Now not only criminals in he common sense, but Corps, greed & the Oligarch class!
I wonder why the owners of our media companies don’t like Biden.And why are all the money baggers green-mailing desperate democratic politicians running for office & refusing all campaign money if they don’t publicly announce that Biden should withdraw?
Sister Joan Anthony Marie would say “It’s a Mystery.” I think a large group of rich people are greedy and don’t give a shit what’s good for America - they want all the money, power, and don’t care about climate crisis . That’s a mystery!
@Bix It is the Corporate Media doing this shit. That is why I use independent media (REAL Journalist), trusted sites and certain social media sites like this one to get my news not some TV channel who's anchor is selling his or her next toilet paper book.
A full court press to help Trump.