BikerBecca boosted
BikerBecca boosted
BikerBecca boosted
BikerBecca boosted

We are in danger.

"The vote marked the culmination of a targeted, 11-day information operation that was amplified by computational propaganda techniques and aimed to change both public perceptions and the behavior of American lawmakers.
And it worked. By the time the memo got to the president, its release was a forgone conclusion — even before he had read it."

BikerBecca boosted

It's a sign from God!
RT @[email protected] Billboard currently outside our office...who did this? 🙌🏽

I love the view from my apartment. I've never lived so far inland that I can't see the ocean or be at the ocean in under 15 minutes.

File this under FUCK YEAH!!!

BREAKING: Senate Republicans' effort to move forward a 20-week abortion ban just FAILED in the Senate!

The dickless, weak, uneducated, snowflakes of @IdentityEvropa made an attempt at humor or embarrassment towards or of San Francisco and failed miserably. Pathetic basement dwellers.

Good Morning CoSo People!

It's Salon day for me. YAY! Hope you all have a great day too. 😍

Got another SCUBA certification, have 5 more scheduled in the coming months and already have over a dozen shore and boat dives scheduled for February. I am such a happy girl right now!

BikerBecca boosted

Trump touts his job creation numbers at Davos. Here are the actual figures:
2011: +2.09 million
2012: +2.14 million
2013: +2.30 million
2014: +2.99 million
2015: +2.71 million
2016: +2.24 million
2017: +2.05 million
2017 was the *worst* since 2010
Brian Klaas@brianklaas

BikerBecca boosted

US senator Johnson, along w Gowdy & others in the House are seizing on a single text btw Page and Strzok in jest about a "secret society" to go on insane tangents to discredit the FBI. These men will all look thoroughly ridiculous in hindsight.
--Amy Siskind@Amy_Siskind

2,100 months! "I just signed your death warrant." ~ Judge Rosemarie Aquilina. I am crying tears of joy. Justice for so many innocent lives he ruined. I hope they put him in Gen Pop.

OMG! Larry Nassar's statement has me so pissed off. He actually is blaming the victims and said, "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." I hope this sick bastard spends life in prison. No remorse.

BikerBecca boosted

Time to post this again. I don't hink he's even mentioned the school shooting today.

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