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While working on my upcoming podcast, I’m also streaming on Twitch, come, join me:

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Facebook, Twitter, Instagram all refusing to take down a doctored video of Nancy Pelosi altered to make her sound drunk & having trouble finding words, which Trump Tweeted out. Renewed call to abandon all 3.

So I was alive for the 200th Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence &🤞 I’ll see the 250th. I’m old! 🧓🏼 Yay

While working on my upcoming podcast, I’m also streaming on Twitch, come, join me:

What the fuck is this cheesy shit he's tweetin' 😂 - seriously try to keep a straight face -

I haven’t been on here in a long time. I’ve been kind of a wreck. Migraines aplenty, my cat Cocoa needing another vet visit, not cheap, my GoFundMe not generating anything beyond a few shares on other social media, but a greater worry is keeping Cocoa healthy, and just trying to get through this so I can get done what needs doing.

they eat indiscriminately
the fires consume all
if you are rich or poor,
old or young, you will fall
this sacrifice is required
for the cycle of life
but to us humans
it causes much strife
perhaps if we listened
to mother nature's cries
and stopped listening
to politicians's lies
there'd be more caring
of our fragile Earth
with much less anguish
and much more mirth

My face starts making these weird expressions when I read those tweets. Like disbelief mixed with the funk of old sulphur...

Oh, for those of you who are completely off the bird site, Twitler confesses today.

Anyone listen to the podcast “Humorless Rants?”

Sometimes, you only need a furbaby next to you.... sleeping so soundly.. and you fall asleep smiling again..

IMPORTANT REMINDER that the Trump administration would like to remind you to set your clocks back to 1952 tonight when you go to bed.

Jack Dorsey is doing everything he can to normalize white nationalist rhetoric, and move it into the mainstream. When the history of this moment is written, he will be remembered as one of the modern Nazi movement’s chief collaborators and enablers.

RT @ProudResister

If you are a moderate Republican or Independent who is questioning whether the @GOP has become a white nationalist party then listen to this racist robocall that went out to smear @staceyabrams.

Then join us and on November 6th. 🌊

*** I know you (🇺🇸 ) has the 1st, but seriously.... WT-motherloads of-EFFs

only because they report what Trump says.... his angry hate filled rhetoric

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