There is a zero percent chance this Uber driver gets me to work on time and about 37% chance she kills us both.

BennEHill boosted

One of my coworkers just said “even a broken clock is right two or three times a day” unironically.

Quick question: Destiny’s Child or TLC?

Got a fortune cookie with no fortune in it last night. Prolly not a good sign.

BennEHill boosted

"Smokey Knuckle Bones" is my Blues name.

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In other news, Piers Morgan is still a dribbling douche nozzle.

BennEHill boosted

?order word reverse in type I everything is Why

BennEHill boosted
BennEHill boosted

The German people who supported Hitler's rise to power didn't know in advances what would happen at Auschwitz. Many were not even Anti-Semites. But they were nonetheless essential enablers of the Holocaust. Trumpians are precisely their equivalent in this regard.

BennEHill boosted

Morning all. Starting a new job today.

BennEHill boosted

And the WP chimes in. Noting that no one is saying how these agents were injured. Three died last year - two from car accidents, and one had a heart attack on his bicycle.
one died this year in a fight outside a bar.

I have incredible sympathy for the family of the deceased (My daughter is a cop), and, I do not trust the authorities who will want to use this as a wedge to further scapegoat immigrants.

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BennEHill boosted

@bigtlb @th3j35t3r
First, I can't make you trust Jester, but the US government does.
Second, he isn't pulling any magic here, he's just blocking 100k proxies and those nations to create a better experience for those who want it.

Third, Jack was just a guy 8 years ago till he named him self the President of Twitter.

So rest easy, its just a social networking app afterall.

Anyone surprised by the hyper-violence in Punisher?

I'm not complaining - I've been reading the books since I was a kid, totally fits the character.

I'm just surprised NetFlix decided to go this far.

BennEHill boosted
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