Bellavino boosted

Wells Fargo is fined $1.7 billion for "illegal activity" that harmed over 16 million consumer accounts over multiple years

@th3j35t3r is stomping on Twitter and it’s hilarious. As usual, he’s my midnight baby that I watch and wait for. ❤️❤️❤️

Moments. Many moments pass as I wait for redemption. Bring it please.

Very rapid response to the Schneideeman allegations. Dare I say, Presidential?

R Farrow with 3 reports related to the Cube. 🤔

Gee. I'm just thankful we have Sarah Sanders to explain how the Crime-Fraud Exception won't be a factor. Cheers, folks!

Watching Alana Evans w/Don Lemon just reignited my fury from last night. Stormy said “she deserved” what she got. No one “deserves” anything when a poor choice made! Not a single comment from Anderson or Don was made to make that clear!

Just joined, and like another post that I saw, the greetings were awesome. I keep asking myself who they were directed to. This should be fun. Thanks @th3j35t3r


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