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Wish I could welcome you individually, but I’m not that fast. Welcome!
A few tips:

1) Helpful info at @CoSoTips or
2) Check out the # list at (@)realDDGlover ‘s TL
3) Watch the firehose & follow those with like interests. Scroll down to pause the autofeed
4) Joining a new platform can be tough. GIVE IT TIME
5) Missing a fav feature? Play a while w/o it. Some things we’re used to are designed to manipulate us. Still missing it? Might be on the to do list. Ask!
6) Questions? Use (#)help

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I picked up the phone to tell you
the news
before I remembered
You're no longer there
to pick up the line

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Beanc boosted

Cruel & unusual

“It's called "pay-to-stay", charging inmates for their prison stay, like a hotel they were forced to book. Florida law says that cost, $50 a day, is based on the person's sentence. Even if they are released early, paying for a cell they no longer occupy, and regardless of their ability to pay.

“Florida can also impose a new bill on the next occupant of that bed, potentially allowing the state to double, triple, or quadruple charge for the same bed.”

How does pecker not have civil liability for libel for all this?

Dammit. Now have to read the Reacher novels again.


I did not just buy a boat.

But I will take donations. Just be sure to give me a beach house to go with it.

Some ad subscription lists are so dumb.

I know you just bought a boat, but here are a bunch of boats you might be interested in!

Regularly thank my dad mentally for my weird assed taste in movies and music 😁

Just murdered my shin on the coffee table.

Balancing suppressing pained shrieks and comforting pup for my weird assed behavior.

Every time I pick up my keys pup thinks I’m abandoning him. 😅

Unsaid front of the sentence:

“Of all the shit I’ve done….”

Seriously. Read it again. The sentence doesn’t make sense without it. 😂

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