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Feel like I'm really part of COSO now that VMC @VirginMaryCandle is following me. And my confession, that makes me really happy!

Señores y señoras
Nosotros tenemos más influencia con sus hijos que tú tiene, pero los queremos
Creado y regado de Los Angeles, Juana's Addicción

30 years since The Crow soundtrack was released. Such an incredible gathering of music and artists.
The Cure's Burn is one of my favorites from them.

But every night I burn
Every night I call your name
Every night I burn
Every night I fall again

Every night I burn
Dream the crow black dream

Anyone seeing these Argentina Lallapolloaza 2024 clips of Limp Bizkit and the audience. It brings a tear to my GenX heart 🤘

I like to cook but TOTAL amateur. How did I only now just discover smoked paprika. That stuff can be magic on my grapenuts.

I truly enjoy a good read. When you find that book you can't put down. But you also dread the end that has to come. It's an unwelcome goodbye when you have to finish. You can read it again, but the Adventure will never be as the first.

Hey VMC @VirginMaryCandle not sure if you are popping in and out. But just wanted to do my annual reminder. This is the only post that I have ever pinned to my account.
Can't believe 6 years 😳.
And yes @opie you are still in my bio 😉

No matter your mood, Even if your slogging through Lowes on a Saturday evening not finding what you need. When James Brown Living in America comes on in store you find your funky self. 😉

Trader Joe's Olive Oil Kettle Chips. Chefs Kiss. Soooooo good. Olive Oil simply makes everything better.

So this is an interesting Monday evening here this evening 🙄 😁

There sure is a nice feel in hitting Trader Joe's on a Friday night. Have the place to yourself. (Not living my Rock N Roll lifestyle)

@opie oh boy Michigan 😁. Doing it with the run game.old school.

Happy New Year CoSo.
Hope the coming year is filled with wonderous adventures for all.

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Dancing with Myself

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