@BillieBun hey! It's an accordion. Did some research and looks like its a Crown 2 reed student accordion seems like maybe the late 60's or 70's
@AvalonFlame Oh! I've only ever seen them when people are playing them. I feel kind of stoopy now..
@BillieBun Nah, most people have never seen them tbf. My husband never seen one before today either, and then he was really surprised when i played it!!!
@AvalonFlame Does it work?
@BillieBun heck yeah, its in perfect condition, no bellow leaks or stuck keys, and man if she doesnt just smell like a new caddie
@AvalonFlame Yeah.... I recognize it being played now... 😃
@AvalonFlame Wow. Haven't seen one of those in a while! And you say it still plays! What a find!
@AskTheDevil yes!! I'm so excited, especially since i haven't had one in about 15 yrs!! truly a lucky find!! And then the guy said it was only a hundred bucks!! What a day!
@AvalonFlame Dare I ask what it is?