I'm not allowed to talk about how much I'm sick of winters here & would love to move, without being told I'm "Oh poor me-ing" & told randomly "there are ways" & basically told off & told to fuck off by family for wanting to express this.
I'm not allowed to express these feelings. I'm just supposed to stay feeling stuckb forever, I guess. But not actually talk about it or get help with these meant l many "ways" that exist. Just allowed to talk about others, but not about myself ever.
@Astartiel 💔 I'm sorry to hear you are going through this, it's hard enough to live where you hate the climate without being penalized for it and not allowed to vocalize, home should be comfortable and safe both physically and emotionally ,I hope that you get this resolved!
@Tattoomonkey29 I wish I could. Thanks. I'd like to move to California, but don't have the funds to move anywhere.
@Tattoomonkey29 Wish it was that easy.
@Astartiel 🌺 😭 I'm sorry that you don't have options!