My "roommate" just told me she will vote for DeSatan for president,, because he's banning "smut" being read by grade schoolers & CRT in schools (which she says teaches that everyone's always racist).
She is so up her own ass, I can't talk to her.
And she thinks Trudeau & Zelenskyy are dictators.
I don't know where she gets her "news," but I'm pretty sure it's from some RWNJ sources that are the very definition of FAKE that is made about actual critical news sources.
Yeah, I'm done with trying to be buddies with someone like THIS:
(PS - I haven't worked it for awhile because I was in Cali for 3 weeks due to my Mom almost dying, then I came home to get stuck in a blizzard, then got sick, then stuck ina bigger blizzard, and she knows all this!)
@MrsArtois I wish I could right now. Stuck in this living situation, unless I want ot live in my car, in S Dakota. What's frustrating is they act all cool & normal sometimes, & then I have to deal with that kind of crap! And yeah, she sees herself as blameless & it's all me. Ugh.
@Astartiel She knows what you have been through and yet, you are the problem, She is the victim. In 2006, I went through a series of loss in my life. I had this epiphany that editing the toxic people in my life was in my best interest. It is an exhilarating realization. Enjoy it.