I saw a clip from the Amazon shopping site that were T-shirts for “your body. My choice” so I went to Amazon to search it to see if I could report any sellers and the results were definitely not those shirts, check it out.
someone did something right
#nosanitize https://www.amazon.com/s?k=your+body+my+choice+shirt&crid=1N15HSCL3DLMN&sprefix=your+body+my+choice+shirt%2Caps%2C233&ref=nb_sb_noss_1
@Armchaircouch I'm a bit concerned that a page or two in on that search there's a My Vehicle My Choice pro-drunk-driving shirt available.
thank you for pointing that out! found it, I reported it saying drunk driving is actually illegal and they should not be selling things that glorify illegal activity. @NoahPaulLeGies
@Armchaircouch Almost, though it's "/nosanitize".