A gofundme has started for the family of the deceased 19 year old girl that perished in the Walmart walk in oven. Her mother is the one who found her already gone.
Investigation into how it happened is still underway.
@Armchaircouch 💔💔💔 I can’t even imagine what she must be going through….
I know, it's horrific :( 💔 they're working to fly her husband out from India... I don't even think I'd make it after something like that
I hadn’t either apparently sometimes the employees go inside them to wash them down or sweep them out. I do, too.
they smashed their goal of what they needed to raise to help the family, people really come together to help each other, sometimes.
♥️ @holon42 @Valkyrie_D
@Armchaircouch @Valkyrie_D
yes, i noticed they were successful, but what a situation 😭😭😭
those poor parents 🥺