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FUNFACT - Not a lotta people know this - but in order to use Jack Dorsey's upcoming BlueSky social network, you'll have to link a crypto-wallet.

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In case this can help anyone else, here’s a list of some forms of self care that helps me to look at

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Talk to people about the upcoming local elections and just how important they are. Especially if you live in Texas.

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I’ve told my child, my siblings child, my students: delete the data, uninstall any menstrual tracking apps.

It sucks, they were useful and a way tech could help our lives. But NO.

My kids (family and students) now know the definition of faraday cage, how to use aluminum foil to emulate. What a time we live in.

“Sources: Peter Thiel, Jack Dorsey, and others who disliked Twitter's direction pushed Elon Musk to launch a bid; Musk is dismayed that Trump is still banned (Wall Street Journal)”


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