I do alot of labs focused on cybersecurity...and idiot that I am, I mistakenly opened a file on my main Win machine and unleashed ILOVEYOU on my system. LoL. Hit by a 20 year old virus. Remediated...but damn that was stupid. Haha

Helping out an old friend tomorrow, she concerned with her data that's been "leaked to the darknet" as she explained, and she's been getting alot of vishing and phishing attempts of late. Something about money disappearing from accounts...Other than running her email addys thru haveibeenpwnd and addressing password changes, making sure she's using MFA where she can, and running NMAP to see if there are odd ports open.I'll make sure she's up to date with any updates, ect. Any ideas?

Anybody familiar with an outfit called AGS Cyber? I've been contacted by someone from this organization regarding a job, tho their website, while quite slick, lacks any 'faces' or real contact info. Kinda gets my spidey-sense tingling. LoL

Cued it up on my headphones and strolled down Ferry Street Newark like a BOSS!!! LoL

Woot woot!!! Passed the latest CompTia Security+ exam today.

This is the song that started playing in my head the moment I saw I passed. LoL

Wanted to install a lightweight, quick and power friendly Linux distro on my field laptop, only need to install a few tools so lightweight is perfect. I'm thinking something that boots up fairly quick since that's the one thing my current setup annoys me with...anybody have distro recommendations?

Can't seem to download Lubuntu, keeps telling me "security issue"? Strange. Downloaded Bodhi with no problem...

Oderint Dum Metuant.
He truly is a modern Caligula.

I would always say...Little Boots/Little Hands, it's uncanny...

And it's true. Whoa...

Seeing ACAB spray painted in a lot of footage...I know that's a slogan that's been used by WS/Neo Nazi types for decades...yet in all my life, I've never heard black folk use it. Ever.
Just stood out to me... seriously feel there's all sorts of fuckery about.

Anybody have any idea where this "Brave man protecting his business pummeled by thugs" story originated?

I see that coming out the bush, I'm terrified. 🤣

Cleopatra's Needle, Central Park, NYC.
That obelisk is over 4500 years old. Of course...it spent thousands of years in Egypt with almost no erosion, but 100 years with the northeast's climate and from what I've heard, acid rain, it's eroded so you can't read the hieroglyphs anymore.

Waterfront, Hudson River, Manhattan. One pic looking west to Jersey, the other looking back at Hudson Yards/old Hells Kitchen area of the city.

Bike riding in the city last night...stopped to pay respect to the ole "Fightin' I".

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Anthony Barat

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.