33 years ago today the one and only Freddie Mercury passed away. I love the fact that the legend does live on with people all over the world commemorating his life.

Having ties to the band (and a good friend who knew/knows them personally), we'd known it was coming for a few months, but it still hit hard.

This is the first song I played when I heard the news Freddie had passed. I play it on the 24th each year

- Teo Torriate



I will never forget that he left us this... that he sung it knowing he was leaving.

- The Show Must Go On


@Animeraider It kills me (no pun intended) whenever I listen to that one.

Brian told Freddie he didn't think it would be possible to sing given how ill Fred was (he couldn't even stand unaided for long periods at that point).

According to Bri, Freddie replied "'I'll fucking do it, darling' — vodka down — and went in and killed it, completely lacerated that vocal", recording the main vocals in one take ❤️

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