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It's here!

My brand new 12k story, Underground Deceit. Please buy, review and enjoy as necessary 😊 but, most importantly, please share to tell people I'm here 😚 x

It's a shame erotica writers can't have a big launch πŸ–‹ x

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Jade Makes Three is my debut book and follows a married woman as she falls for her husband's co-star.

It's a 24k novella on Kindle or in paperback here -

It's here!

My brand new 12k story, Underground Deceit. Please buy, review and enjoy as necessary 😊 but, most importantly, please share to tell people I'm here 😚 x

It's a shame erotica writers can't have a big launch πŸ–‹ x

Jade Makes Three is my debut book and follows a married woman as she falls for her husband's co-star.

It's a 24k novella on Kindle or in paperback here -

Lyle is in hot water with his wife again as work takes his attention away from her and interrupts a private moment of passion. Taking naughty selfies to attract Lyle’s gaze leads Amber to more erotic exposure than either of them imagined!

"Selfie Seduction at the Gym"
Pre-order now!

Alexandra Dominique

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