Gas ✅
Eggs ✅
Ground Beef ✅
Milk ✅
Bread low for around here
More like 4-6 depending on quality...
2bed LOW for around here...
Add 500
The rest... Dunno...
Lehigh Valley PA
@InvaderGzim one of partner's friends says he pays $600 for a 2 bed in PA... i'm pretty sure it's either way out in the boonies or totally unsafe area in a city.
One kid pays 1250 for a one bed walk up... In Philly...
The other 2400 for a two bed house... Philly burb..
So unless they live in either North Philly (wouldn't recommend) or some small burg in western pa. Dunno...
@InvaderGzim or their parent's have a in-law apartment...
If you're talking national average, rent is much lower in rural areas. Of course, there are no jobs, so you'd need to work remotely, and you'd be cheek-to-jowl with Trump voters. Some of these towns aren't even visible on Google street view yet.
Commuting distance to NYC and Boston.