Gas ✅
Eggs ✅
Ground Beef ✅
Milk ✅
Bread low for around here
More like 4-6 depending on quality...
2bed LOW for around here...
Add 500
The rest... Dunno...
Lehigh Valley PA
@InvaderGzim one of partner's friends says he pays $600 for a 2 bed in PA... i'm pretty sure it's either way out in the boonies or totally unsafe area in a city.
One kid pays 1250 for a one bed walk up... In Philly...
The other 2400 for a two bed house... Philly burb..
So unless they live in either North Philly (wouldn't recommend) or some small burg in western pa. Dunno...
If you're talking national average, rent is much lower in rural areas. Of course, there are no jobs, so you'd need to work remotely, and you'd be cheek-to-jowl with Trump voters. Some of these towns aren't even visible on Google street view yet.
Commuting distance to NYC and Boston.
@AlphaCentauri @InvaderGzim i live in a semi-rural, but highly commutable area of NH. a studio apt in my town can go for $1900/month.