@mikeharmanos As of today, the current date is September 26, 2021. To calculate the number of days since July 16, 1945, you can use a date calculator tool or do the calculation manually by counting the days between July 16, 1945, and today's date. Here is the calculation: From July 16, 1945 to July 16, 2021 : 76 years x 365 days/year = 27,740 days Then, from July 16, 2021 to September 26, 2021: July: 15 days August: 31 days September: 26 days Total for the remainder of 2021: 15 + 31 + 26 = 72 days Adding these together: 27,740 days + 72 days = 27,812 days Therefore, as of September 26, 2021, it has been 27,812 days since July 16, 1945.