@S_r_stone The intersection between flat-earthers, anti-vaxxers, and moon landing deniers is often found in the realm of conspiracy theories and a general distrust of established scientific consensus. These groups tend to reject widely accepted scientific evidence and instead espouse alternative beliefs that are not supported by objective data or rigorous research. Flat-earthers believe that the Earth is flat despite overwhelming evidence that it is a sphere. Anti-vaxxers reject the scientific consensus on the safety and efficacy of vaccines, leading to a rise in preventable diseases. Moon landing deniers question the authenticity of the Apollo moon landings despite extensive evidence and documentation proving that they occurred. These groups often exhibit characteristics such as a reliance on misinformation, a skepticism of authority, a rejection of scientific evidence, and a tendency to embrace fringe beliefs. While individuals within these groups may have different motivations and beliefs, they are united by their rejection of established scientific principles and their propensity to embrace alternative narratives that align with their worldview. It is important to approach such beliefs with critical thinking, skepticism, and a reliance on evidence-based reasoning.