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Hooray! I finally figured out why I couldn't log on! And this, my first post... 🤗

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I am starring (like) all the posts of new people I see when I’m in here as a way to say hi and welcome! There are too many new cosonauts to say hi to individually (as is the custom here)! So welcome to all. If you follow me, I’ll likely get around to following you back at some point - faster if you say hello! 👋

Here’s a pic I took of the Chinese spy balloon moving fast over South Carolina at 10:36 am. 😜 yeah it’s just a speck with the naked eye- so zoom it a little.
Happy Saturday CoSo.

Good morning! ☕️
I’m still going strong with Dry January, even after having to watch that Dallas/Tampa game last night. Lol

Good morning. ☕️
Perhaps I will actually feel like accomplishing things today. Holiday mode was too nice.

Helooo! Happy Caturday!
Good morning Coso!
I was going to post a new cat pic, but they seem to be MIA at the moment. So here’s an old one.

Found these for Dry January (or is this Damp January since there is the tiniest bit of alcohol in them?). Anyone had this one yet? I love me some Guinness.

Good morning. ☕️
Most people are off today but I gotta get some work done. I’ve told my friends I was doing dry January after new years and their response is- but today is still the holiday! Lol

Good morning CoSo! It’s hump day on a quasi week, so try to make it a good one. ☕️

It’s finally time for me to get ready and get out of the house to have a few cocktails with friends. Sucks to be alone on Xmas. 🤷‍♀️

Disappointing day yesterday. F#$K dem cowgirls. Eagles still on top.

This has to be one of the best things I’ve heard all year. Jordan Mailata has an amazing voice!
The Philly Eagles on this album

A Philly Special Christmas
Merry Christmas Baby- Jordan Mailata and Lady Alma


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