🎉🍕🍷Ok I'm here with pizza and wine.( on my couch, I know I should calm down )... Happy New Year Coso fam! 🍷🍕🎉

Twitter down, I RUNNN and Ahhhh my safe space is still here. 😎

Hello! Just trying out Counter Social for the first time. Angry sent me. ;-)

I'm excited... yet totally anxiety ridden due to 2020 being...2020.😂

Let's do this. ✊🏽

Bro. This is MY morning...😂😂 It's like I cross a portal into fckedupbassackawardsville when I scroll over there. Yikes.

Anyways, good morning to you normal ppl.😎🌤

Trump "considering" telling the USPS they CANNOT deliver mail in ballots, requiring ppl to vote in person. Is there ANYTHING the GOP will not allow him to get away with. Wtf.


Then add a few of those planes landing on school busses full of children...🤔

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CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.