@AskTheDevil ...but why?
@AskTheDevil I had an ex-boss that did that at work. No clue why (he left, wasn't fired) but about six months after he'd left we saw some weird activity on a server. That product didn't use AD and was hardly ever used. There was a IT management account on it for like helpdesk people that he still had the password to I guess. He changed a few things, cut the CIO out of the system, etc... We traced the IP and it had happened twice in the same day.
@AskTheDevil Once from the company he had gone to work for, once from assumedly his home.
I gathered all the evidence and got the CIO and legal involved. He got a C&D and his company let him go. No good reason for it. Like I thought we left on okay terms?
@AI78 I think sometimes people try stuff like that because they're still holding on to whatever anger, but they don't really have a plan, or really know what to do, they're just mad and want to get their back somehow.
Or they just want to see if someone left something unlocked so they can talk about how dumb they are.
@AI78 Possibly _because_ they thought I'd see it and annoy me, but they're not that subtle usually.
Probably to see if there was any way to cause trouble, or be where they're not supposed to be, or thought they were getting away with something.