That's not fog. That's smog and particulates from the Canadian wildfire obscuring the sun above Philadelphia this evening. It's being funneled down here via circulating atmospheric pressure systems. As hazardous to our health as this is, I find the whole process fascinating. It proves that everything goes somewhere.
#Wildfire #CanadianWildfire #smog #pollution #atmosphere #weather #climate #AirQuality #fire #smoke #Philly #Philadelphia #AirPollution #environment #ClimateChange #fire
@Jacki Is it bad by you? I saw pics from NYC that are pretty scary.
I feel for the people in Canada who are displaced by these fires.
Exactly....fog isn't yellowy-orange.
I'm looking out the window at the sky right now where I live. It's yellowy-orange. The only time I've seen the sky look so wierd was right before superstorm Sandy in 2012.