Wuddup with all the Pirate flags tonight me maties?

Going to have to go with the Classic Captain No Beard rocker.

Enjoy my salty Pirate presentation for the flippin US Army!


Happy snoozing doggo. She becomes more of a character every day. At first she only had a droopy sad mastiff face. But she has started "smiling" and her funny little stub of a non tail spinning around is hilarious. She finally trusts me and has benn crushing me with hugs which is new. Always did my best to keep Gunner, running, playing and being happy. Rule No.1 of my home, no sad doggos allowed. But he still had moments where he seemed sad like he missed being around other dogs. Not any more. 💙

The random yearly fighting position flowers are blooming and spring is here. Gunner is enjoying life with his new battle buddy and Xena dog is learning her way around her new freedom. Poor thing has been through a lot. Her back legs are strong as hell but they are either deformed or its a botched surgery. She doesn't care and can horse gallop around no problem. Dog is so big she actually shakes the ground "Thu-Thud thu-thud thu-thud BOING .... THUD!!!" 😂

Exhausting but its a good thing.

The random yearly fighting position flowers are blooming and spring is here. Gunner is enjoying life with his new battle buddy and Xena dog is learning her way around her new freedom. Poor thing has been through a lot. Her back legs are strong as hell but they are either deformed or its a botched surgery. She doesn't care and can horse gallop around no problem. Dog is so big she actually shakes the ground "Thu-Thud thu-thud thu-thud BOING .... THUD!!!" 😂

Exhausting but its a good thing.

Which warlord wore it better? 😂

Captain No Beard in disguise. 🏴‍☠️

Which warlord wore it better? 😂

Captain No Beard in disguise. 🏴‍☠️

Special share! I have been feeling a bit exhausted lately.

Super important to rest, not quit. Before the nonsense, I was a full time musician among other things.

Took a break, lit up a doober.. and recorded a very quick jam of my favorite song.

below ⤵️ 💙

Firstly, I am not and im not .. its not a national secret that im just a big cyber-doofus.

Now that we have that cleared up, I had fun doing this. If you dig it, please share.

If not, meh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Firstly, I am not and im not .. its not a national secret that im just a big cyber-doofus.

Now that we have that cleared up, I had fun doing this. If you dig it, please share.

If not, meh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Special share! I have been feeling a bit exhausted lately.

Super important to rest, not quit. Before the nonsense, I was a full time musician among other things.

Took a break, lit up a doober.. and recorded a very quick jam of my favorite song.

below ⤵️ 💙

@th3j35t3r Everyone posting pics of pencils and spitballs in the ceiling and im over here all like:

The Psychology of Misinformation 2024

With many of humanity's most dire challenges, the spread of misinformation is a problem that we have created for ourselves. Suitably, effective solutions to this problem require an understanding of the underlying psychology of misinformation in the modern age.

35 articles, some do require subscription.


Fartbook: Your post may go against community guidelines. Would you like to delete it or post anyway?

*Posts in instead* 🙃

Also... may have new music by the end of the day. So there's that as well.

Super sekret squirrel eyes only view of Tactical Strike Media HQ mid update / spring cleaning

Not long after the nonsense in Ukraine escalated teh sneaky fookin' ruzzians may have zapped my war machine.

This entire time, i haven't been able to make music, edit audio or even properly edit video with just a phone. But, improvise adapt overcome. Did what i could and kept pressure on them Kremlin Gremlins.

But now new pc, game on. Hoes got the big mad recently.. they havnt seen shit yet.

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