: Well, things just keep getting better and better here at the house. Learned about two hours ago that there may be a previously unknown to anyone currently living or at least in town a septic tank in the backyard connected to one of the bathrooms in the house. The news is that this septic tank is backing up because apparently nobody has known of it for upwards of 15 to 20 years. Plumbers come out Thursday morning to give a look-see.
@ACG2: Nope. The prior homeowner, since 2014, was my late father, and he knew nothing of it, as per what there was of his files in re: the house and work done to/on it. The town doesn't even have a record of it, and since the late 1980s septic tanks haven't been allowed in town limits at all. Prior to that, since 1979 they were only allowed in town limit by way of special exemption from Public Works, Planning and Zoning, and Town Council approvals. Prior to that there was no local code.