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221Bcrow boosted

Existing both here and on Meglodon until I see how things go and where people flock too.

221Bcrow boosted

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Welp, there's that. I think I may have to save transferring meta threads over for one every couple of days so to not spam.

That’s up to you to decide. But demanding that the only way a relationship could be legitimate is if it had been clearly stated by Arthur Conan Doyle is frustrating because It's Imposing Today's' Standards on a time period where they Do Not Fit."

- the-navel-treatment.

This is why this argument bothers me so much. Were Sherlock Holmes in John Watson explicitly in a romantic relationship in the original stories? No, and no one is arguing that they were.

Are we intended to imply, with the clues that were safe to include given the environment at the time, that it’s a possibility?

So, when you look at the situation, Arthur Conan Doyle was unable to go any farther than he had with Holmes and Watson in his original stories.

Even if he wanted to.

Even if he tried to fill it with as much subtext as possible, he would always have to be mindful of what would happen if he went to far.

The opposite of who Arthur Conan Doyle was; Sherlock Holmes increased subscriptions to The Strand magazine by 30,000. While Oscar Wilde, if not embraced, accepted the consequences of his actions, Arthur Conan Doyle was not in position to do that. He received a knighthood in 1902, he was involved in political campaigns and other civic work throughout his lifetime, and he had 5 children to support. He was not in a position to risk what an accusation of buggery would bring.

Was there still a homosexual culture in England at the time? Yes, it was around this time that the movement began to flourish, with clandestine gatherings preceding the opening of the first gay pub, The Cave of the Golden Calf in 1912.

There was even the beginnings of gay erotica and publishing, but it was still very much subversive and not openly distributed among the public.

During this time period, many notable men were prosecuted with disastrous results; Lord Arthur Chilton committed suicide after being implicated in Boulton and Park trial involving two transvestites and Oscar Wilde was sentenced to prison and hard labour after being found guilty.

In 1885, the British Parliament enacted section 11 of the he Criminal Law Amendment Act 1885, known as the Labouchere Amendment which prohibited gross indecency between males. It thus became possible to prosecute homosexuals for engaging in sexual acts where buggery or attempted buggery could not be proven.

Note that they didn’t have to actually catch you in the act, they just had to suspect that you did it.

*" I see a lot of people saying, “Oh, back in the 19th century, Sherlock and John couldn’t openly be together.” And that’s true, but what’s at the heart of that sentiment is this one, “Arthur Conan Doyle couldn’t have written them openly together, because the general public would assume he was encouraging homosexuality, perhaps was even homosexual himself, and that would have been dangerous.”
Here’s why:

Regarding false idea that if Holmes and Watson were together, Sir. Doyle would have written it explicitly. By the-navel-treatment.

Welp. If I am going to have a presence here, that means a lot of my gushing over LGBT canon ACD Sherlockian Meta is going to have to be copied over. 😅 I better get to it.

221Bcrow boosted

Let's all be honest here. When the MAGATs cry about free speech on twitter, what they really want is the freedom to harass people without any consequences. 🙄 so over it!


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