AI - Artificial Insemination
therapist - the rapist
significant - sign if I cant

gm... you read where I am.... jejeje

G is so good! no bird no knowledge of a huge intel source...

The surrounding terrain undeniably determine where these barbaric, souless terrorist people came from and/or where do they hide come from... did they fly in days b4 attacks? unless. they flew on those festival massacre airthings from far enough away or did they swim in? fair questions cuz I want to know the simple (no religious bs) answers

all talking heads went straight to script... lol

So censure???? Not one tried to get blink sig bk! shame! now it's back on bbc

I see it as a Hurricane is coming... could be worse, a complete unexpected earthquake! I would get the hell going... not die like that's Margaritaville... just gave away lots...

By now people living there should know the hurricane eye is on top of them... right? I mean... oh well I said it...

Dsleazy fl wannabliketrumpy using for poltical gain is beyond pathetic!

@th3j35t3r ... like each. becomes levels, within levels of departments, offices, biz fronts, it's little universes of contained revolving revenue. flipping the funnel...

@th3j35t3r The bird and fb those guys ... get stuck with advertising only QR's basically... LOL

I.. i'm counter social literally... lol

Is this my friends tab? nah... who's typing badck to render.... cuz not reading any of it... tsk tsk tsk

You all don't really believe Gaetz had that idea yes?

off 2 do the do... someone had 2 say it....

Trump-Jung-Putin or A MERI CUH? beyond pathetic.... those military public servants have to decide...

Traitors or true American Patriots???

has no problem mocking anyone... he's fair game now... He wanted to be famous huh? There is no following! only scared cockroaches who can't stand for anything., but show up at beer rally shows. that rapper kid got a humungous crowd last time.... this guy need to feel the shame he's put a whole bunch of us through! Loser's time to lose!

1NoMore1 boosted

Ok, listen, I'm roughly 6' and just over 200lbs. Ain't no way he's 6'3" 215lbs. None.

(pic for attention since I'm getting fit-ish)

1NoMore1 boosted


and then.... gots to go at it alone... all that uncontrollable air silence will a kill a narcissist like him.

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