FML: I'm being bullied out of a job I love by spiteful individuals. I'm sick of leaving work in tears.

Last day of a 10 day business trip with two senior co. execs. Each in their own way has been outright nasty to me. It's not really personal, we are all feeling the stress of the situation, I'm just the convenient punchbag. I'm suffering constant nose bleeds (stress induced) and lack of sleep (more stress). I'm just very sad.

Somehow I've got to motivate myself to go to work tomorrow :-(

Right! I've skived off long enough, back to it!

FML. On the plus side I've squizzed a free coffee 😊☕

If I had 1% of J's talent I'd get another job, as it is I'm stuck with the 3 of 4 exploitation gigs that own me.

The problem is that I've been trying super hard to keep it all together.

I'm going to rage quit something, I've just not decided what, yet!

I'm facing 10 more days non-stop work. I'm pissed with my employer, I'm on support and getting ticks past 8pm!

I'm /REALLY/ struggling to be adult today! I feel like my head is going to explode. FML.

Lunch at the communal table: the two others there overtly exclude you from the conversation.

More Americans have been killed by toddlers with guns than by MS-13.

My first day off in a couple of weeks. I did SFA, it felt good.

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Dumbass Noob

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