My daughter just gave me a piece of Canadian chocolate she scored last night.
It's like I've never really had chocolate before until today.
It's truly the most polite of all chocolates.
@codeWhisperer - it doesn't tease your taste buds and run like US chocolate
@0x56 🤣
@0x56 what's the diff?
@singlemaltgirl - US chocolate doesn't linger on your palet. It is a minor flash of taste followed by intense sugar.
The Canadian Kit Kat vs US KitKat was like a $70 bottle of high end Cabernet Sauvignon vs a $15 bottle of blended table wine.
@0x56 oh wow. good to know!
i tend to buy the good chocolate here - purdy's or chocolas rather than chocolate bars (tho i won't say no to halloween candy!)
if you dm me your mailing address, i'll send you some purdy's with the request that you tell me how it compares. 😊
From here on out, I'm not sure I'll ever enjoy chocolate unless it has at least part of it's label written in French.