@0x56 we don’t get trick or treaters on my floor ☹️
Our old neighborhood had a wine bar for parents at one house. I mention this in case anyone is looking to up their parent treats game. 🍷
@misterfive - I now have plans for the Cul de sac next year.
Or do you mean the cul-de-Sack?? 😉 🍷
@0x56 There will be TorTers here :(
It's really great here for a 'spooky' decor but with no sidewalk and houses 160' apart.... I used to think I was going to really do it up right, field of broken tombstones, skellies half out of the ground, a vampire cape w invisible vampire in a tree etc. and I did do some fun displays. But we're down to one kid on the block now and I never see him walk anywhere so my 'Vets for Kamala' display is all that's out there.
^^ I ask because my wife always gets offered a beer when she goes out with the kids.