Hey, here's an idea. Instead of trusting our students and professors, lets force them to use tracking apps to make sure they say where they are!
There's no downsides to this!
There's no way that this information won't be used illicitly.
There's no way for this system to be hacked.
There's no way to tell your phone to report a fake location!
@0x56 If I was teaching a cybersecurity class at Missouri, this would be my class's final project:
Hack this app and you all pass.
For my security 3 class, we gave presentations on typical malware tools: John the Ripper, BackOrifice, BO2k, etc. School had Corporate level Sophos and software that ate the tools off my USB drive upon download. So I downloaded it at home, modified the code to be invisible to Sophos, and took the new exe and installed it on my presentation machine.
Teacher was not happy that I got it to run, but he was impressed that I worked around the problem.
@Heucuva8 @tychoNB15U @0x56 I am too. I at least have a dim idea of that that was not simple. You better get an A.
Ah that was years ago... 2005 I think?
I did though, thank you! ☺️
The big problem was making sure that the exe doesn't have the signatures that Sophos looks for. Nowadays, couldn't begin to guess what that would be. But given time, I could find out.
@tychoNB15U @0x56 ooh, I like the cooperative nature of it as well one of you hack it and all of you pass. Now they have to work together like they will at work.
@0x56 Do they also have to show little stars to their coats? Because, I mean that is the digital equivalent of having to show your papers.
Can you say "class action lawsuits," boys and girls? I knew you could!