And now you too can buy into the new and revolutionary "guerrilla printer advertising revolution"*
(*legality may vary, or be completely non-existent)
@Dane @0x56 Thanks for these infos. Saved my butt!
My physiotherapists office got adds for the Lode Radio Hour. Many of them! Their ISPs are looking into it, since they should be in a secure enterprise network. But, guess not!
Honestly, don't people have effing lives or hobbies beyond annoying officeworkers on the other side of the world? Take up growing chiapets or watching paint dry, FFS.
@Fiikus_goddess Well that's my next weekend down the drain then! @0x56 @Dane
@MugRuncher @Dane @0x56 You have problems putting on pants to get coffee on weekends. 😋
Like you have energy to annoy people over here! Present company excluded.. and I don't get annoyed by you!
@Fiikus_goddess Woah, shots fired @0x56 @Dane