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Hey all you crazy !

I'm still here, though I've been working hard at my new job so I haven't had as much time to lounge around in here these days.

Holla back!

Don't know who to credit it to, but I ran across it in my archives and just thought this image was cool.

Good morning!

Starting a new job today In a new position - hopefully this one will stick - the health care industry hasn't been very good to me.

Who knew it would be more brutal, more cutthroat, than advertising?

I understand corporatese.. I just don't speak it. Anyhoo..

Wish me luck. I am unicorn!

'Dosed' (2000) and 'Dosed: The Trip of a Lifetime' (2003)

Featuring Gabor Mate & Paul Stamets
View both for free:

Watch the trailer on YouTube

Ok. I already know this - because I've been told countless times - I have a big mouth... but guess what?

It has been verified! As of now, I am officially an amplifier, and a "digital philanthropist", which has been officially certified through the USPS!

90.3 Seattle ROX! ❀️

My heart brimeth over. I would not be anywhere if it weren't for you!

πŸ™ 🀟 😍 ❀️

Because you restored my soul to sanity it's a heavy burden but it's a cross I know you peeps can barely! Ramen!

Everything's Irie metinks. Because I know that you all are here!! Blessed

Have I told you wonderful people how much I love and cherish you today?

Just in case I haven't please allow me to reiterate with brevity - without sacrificing levity, ffs:

I ❀️ U!!!! :WilLongAndProsper: 😍 πŸ˜‡ πŸ™

I don't get to fish much anymore, irl. So I keep doing it here, if that's alright.

It ain't easy being me. Every day I whirl my dervish around, tryna keep my email, phone, and 'pooters' protected from bots and spam attacks, to no avail.

I'm exhausted, completely spun down concentric circles in the effort it takes..

Anybody got any tips to manage it all?

Good Copy Bad Copy - Documentary (2007)

As I was cleaning up my feed on YouTube I came across this old gem.
Anybody else a fan of Lawrence Lessig? The Creative Commons? I think I can safely presume that is the case on CoSo!

"If sampling is wrong, I don't wanna be copyright."

"Tramp Stamp" The USPS needs to create one, I think. It's a collaborative image created by me -n- Alfred!

The Science of Bubbles (a documentary brought to you by Spark!) Educational, squeaky clean fun - for the whole family!!! Carefully curated content, with ❀️


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HiPe T pHu

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.