While Joe was owning the RepubliKKKans, PA Democrats won control of the PA House last night as well.
Enjoy Enjoy. Funny stuff.
Thank you to all who have been reading my commentaries at Daily Kos. Much Appreciated. @joyannreid I think I may be the only one to notice Huckabee threw Trump under the bus.
As a straight person, it's not often I get so excited about another man that I can't sleep. But Joe Biden did that to me last night.
Good Morning: This one is a short one. Thank you for reading.
The History No School Teaches. Thank you for Reading. @joyannreid If not familiar with this, it will blow your socks off.
Congrats; This is a big deal. Celebrate
A weird little story of mine was just published in Pioneertown literary journal! #fiction #writing https://www.pioneertownlit.com/lisa-beebe
@got @kel
Hope you read my column today.
Thank you
10 reasons you shouldn't believe Kevin McCarthy when he promises Republicans won't seek cuts in Social Security and Medicare
Look at the evidence
Where does Florida fall?
I think, therefore I am not a Trumper
Retired History Teacher
Happily Married
Dogs are better than people