@TheLegend_AZ Good luck, and let us know when you come out of it and it all went well!
@sazemisery That's what happens when a nope rope frays.
@sfleetucker You're not wrong... that's definitely what happens! 😄
@amarand It's almost exactly like the shell in the third picture here. Just more of it worn away. Thank you for offering puppies.
Inktober, day 12. Ghost ship. This has led to conversations about ship design and construction that included the phrase "no shade to the searfaring community, BUT..."
@NoahPaulLeGies That's great! I'd bet you had some eggs sitting at the bottom that finally hatched.
It's been an exhausting day, so I went really simple with my Inktober drawing. I'm betting the fictional person who has slime pouring out of their air vent is having an exhausting day, too.
I have baby shrimps again! 🦐🥰
Inktober, day 10. I had ideas in mind for a crossroads drawing that would have focused on Hekate, but Robert Johnson was in my mind when I finally picked the pen up.
@BrightEyedDyer They look great! And I pretty much always change colors from one project to another. I'm like, "Yes, you're lovely...I'm tired of looking at you."
Inktober, day 8. Everybody was so focused on Fat Bear Week last week, the owlbears are feeling a little forgotten.
Bard with a ukulele. Friend of Lake Monster. 93% stardust. Autistic. Fabulously weird.