Inktober, day 12. Ghost ship. This has led to conversations about ship design and construction that included the phrase "no shade to the searfaring community, BUT..."
It's been an exhausting day, so I went really simple with my Inktober drawing. I'm betting the fictional person who has slime pouring out of their air vent is having an exhausting day, too.
Inktober, day 10. I had ideas in mind for a crossroads drawing that would have focused on Hekate, but Robert Johnson was in my mind when I finally picked the pen up.
Inktober, day 8. Everybody was so focused on Fat Bear Week last week, the owlbears are feeling a little forgotten.
It's only day 6 of Inktober and I'm already drawing tentacles. It would have happened eventually even if there hadn't been a prompt. It's always a soothing art experience for me.
Inktober, day 5. A jack rabbit is intimidating. Once you see those antlers, though, you do not want a cranky jackalope chasing you!
Inktober, day 4. Halloween is an easy time for blending in with human kids. Human adults just assume the whole look is costume.
Day 3 for Inktober. Today I'm drawing a fantasy grimoire...and adding a little watercolor for splashes of magic.
Inktober, day 2. I had a different minotaur in mind, but when we hear the call of a Muse...Black Angus Young!
The horns are fake and attached to the hat because Black Angus don't have horns.
I'm doing a drawing each day for Inktober, but not following the official prompts. This is Jack. Jack's a little disappointed that I don't draw skeletons correctly. On the plus side, the hat makes them feel fabulous!
It's been a good day for getting pictures of friends! Shai-Hulud let me take one of him at his water bowl.
I complete my trips around the sun in September, and I started making sure I always take a selfie in September when I completed the 40th. My grandmother was 50 when I was born. She was always beautiful to me. I don't buy the idea that beauty has to look young. Sometimes, if I turn my head just the right way, I see a little of my grandmother in myself.
Bard with a ukulele. Friend of Lake Monster. 93% stardust. Autistic. Fabulously weird.