Arnold Palmer Was ‘Appalled’ by ‘Crude’ Trump

“My dad and I were at home in Latrobe,” said Palmer’s daughter Peg. The television was on. Trump was talking. And my dad made a sound of disgust—like ‘uck’ or ‘ugg’—like he couldn’t believe the arrogance and crudeness of this man who was the nominee of the political party that he believed in. Then he said, ‘He’s not as smart as we thought he was,’ and walked out of the room.


@Charles_Hawtrey Hmmm, Melania won't be anywhere in his vicinity. He's obsessing about the size of Arnold Palmer's genitals, talking about Harvey Weinstein and schlong, and swaying to YMCA. Maybe he and buddy Lindsey Graham should talk about coming out. Could be an October surprise.😉

Something tells me that Dumold loves Dickie. 😄

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