
FFS, please stop reposting insanity from the Bird over here.

Clarification: I'm not saying don't post links to the other place. I'm just saying let's cool it on the screenshots of *actual* insanity / outrage being tossed here for shock value.

@voltronic On the one hand: 100%

On the other: It's social media. People gonna people. 🤷‍♂️

@voltronic Yes please! I’m trying to be gracious about it and just ignore it, but I can’t stand it. To be fair, I feel the same about seeing posts from pretty much any social media site on another social media site. If I want to see your FB posts or IG pictures or whatever, I’d be on those platforms.


it doesn't help with screencaps, but if it's links:

non whole word match filter on

just sayin...


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