Captain Timothy Nick testified today that Gen. Charles Flynn (Mike Flynn's brother) told Secy of Army Ryan McCarthy to "deny the command request" to allow the D.C. National Guard to come to the aid of the Capitol Police. The testimony if the 4 officers proves Charles Flynn lied under oath. 💣 Boom! 💣
Imagine this conversation spoken by a Dalek and you have Trump's Supreme Court Lawyer.
Can you please boost this post?
Learning to speak Welsh has helped me cope with my brain disease, and work on reinventing myself as I start over.
I long to share my joy with others. Please, take a moment to watch, follow, tell others.
I hope one day for "Welsh Made Easy With JenX" to go viral. If others can do it, then why not me?
CounterSocial, the most well-moderated social media platform in existence, has been temporarily removed from Google's app store because—wait for it—they say that there isn't a way to REPORT objectionable content.
We're posting this information to encourage Google to tap on the three dots located on the bottom of EVERY post. It's right there. #CoSoTips
Coffee runs the body and the brain.