@Senua: Yes, that is what I put with it.
@AverageCitizen: I've another shelf to put up tomorrow. 👽
@Dane: That's been a worst-kept secret since Arafat in the 1970s.
Lots of folks forget that when he died his widow had several billion dollars that had come from various world governments, the UN, and public and private aid orgs and had been directly deposited into Swiss banks by Arafat or his personal staff. Fatah leadership was surprised so much had been siphoned and begged her to release the finds. The World Bank stepped in somehow, and then it all went quiet.
As of Friday 10-25-2024 at 18:00:01 ET, CounterSocial has NOT responded to any warrants, subpoenas or other formal orders from any government agency. Further, as of the same timestamp, CounterSocial has never turned over any encryption or auth keys to anyone. Neither have we installed any law enforcement software or equipment anywhere on our network or provided any enforcement organization a feed of any user content transiting our network. If this daily message ceases or changes you can assume something has changed. Users can always @ me with 'status' for an individual canary via DM anytime. For more info about Warrant Canaries >>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warrant_canary.
@LiberalLibrarian: TBH, I don't give a shit about him and never have. Unless his dad wins, though he'll be 25th'ed out before he can get packed to move back to the WH, he's going to go into the same obscurity as his useless-ass brothers. Who knows? Maybe his number will comes up, and he'll OD like his dad and brothers should've by now.
: I got most of my non-series unread fiction tomes into a bookcase today. The rest of the S-Z books of the set are in another room on a shelf.
Note: About 1/8 of these are read, but I keep them in circulation because I reread them periodically, such as "The Silence of the Lambs" and all Agatha Christie mysteries.
: This scene more than others from the show hit me square in the feelz.
@EileenKCarpenter @EvilBunny: Sadly, yes, and the only way the bloody, awful, cruel thing will end is with more death. It's good that more cracks in the Soviet/Putin wall are appearing and weakening it, and it's terrible that those cracks bleed. Sadly but certainly that is the nature of war.
@EvilBunny: Good.
@EvilBunny: Xi is hoping China can "bail out" Russia before his own economy gets too far down the slope. Lending 100s of billions to Russia would allow China to do an accounting offset and keep up the appearance that China's doing great.
@process: ...half of Congress, i.e., the Senate, used to be comprised not of popularly elected officials but of officials appointed by state legislatures to represent state governments in Congress. The House of Representatives represented the people directly. (Hence the two-year, not six-year terms.)
My belief is that most 'Muricans don't care, really, about their government or how it works or is supposed to work. They're too far removed from it at this point.
@process: Yeah, that's the case normally. Policy is a small side dish. The candidates are the spectacle, and that, I believe, is in large part because the bulk of 'Muricans don't give a shit about details. They just don't want whichever Them they hate to win.
All that said, there's also that a seeming bulk of 'Muricans believe the President is who makes everything happen, which is not entirely true. They don't understand the Executive Branch executes policy created by Congress... and that...
: “The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.”
#SocietalCollapse #KidsTheseDays #TheMoreThingsChange #behavior #StopComplaining
: "If you seek to be outraged, then you will find it, even if you have to struggle to do so. It's quite fashionable and core to many a sense of self and community."
graffiti on the remnants of a Roman wall on Malta, from circa the first century AD/CE
@GregLahann: Good news doesn't sell during a presidential election year. The press needs it to be bad news, drama, and a "close race". That is the nature of for-profit journalism/news.
And if their greed and dog-wagging gets fascists elected, they'll say what they always do:
"We only report what's there" and then hide by the First Amendment in order to avoid feeling responsible.
54 year-old autistic human. Father of three. Grandfather of one. Movie production Yoda. Screenwriter. Nerdfaceperson.