@Eponine Might have to take you up on that when I get back in the shop. I have a few commissions in the queue first though. Been taking time off for upgrades and now have to get a house ready to sell. Fingers crossed that will go quickly.
@singlemaltgirl I wouldn't say the boob sweat makes the cash more valuable, but it does add interest.
@Brisse Should be worth it, at least I hope so. As a rule the MK3S are real workhorses once they get dialed in. Did I mention don't use acetone on the spring-steel bed? 91% IPA before every print job works for me. I'm honestly surprised you had a problem with bed separation as it's been reliable for me. Curious how it goes as you work through the issues.
@Brisse I use the Pretty Print profiles with great results on PLA and ABS. Among other things, they adjust the bed temperature and it seems to work better. Maybe give it a try?
Also for my daughter is this badge reel with a bocote cabochon. Viewed from the side, the grain runs diagonally through the wood which is why the grooves cut into the piece cause the grain to shift. The result reminds me of a moiré hypno-disc pattern. Which is good because she works in a hospital and could dangle it in front of unruly patients chanting "you will calm the fuck down".
Took my daughter to see Steve Hofstetter Thursday night and discovered she doesn't have one of those purse hanger hook thingys. So I made her these today. On the left is bocote and on the right is a lamination of (R-to-L) paduk, walnut, black palm, cherry, and a smidge of maple.
@Brisse I've been offline, heads-down for the last week and just popped in to see if you had posted any print pix. Good timing! Is this off the Prusa or the other one? Either way, glad to see you are up and running! Nice dragon, by the way. Watch that it doesn't burn the place down accidentally.
@LnzyHou At least it solves the problem of what to do with the next bowl and pen. The family and friends market is getting saturated and people are starting to decline offers. I might actually have to <shudder> set up a web shop one of these days.
A friend called after my toot abt the drill press & ceiling hoist.
Friend: I'd have helped with that!
Me: You'd have talked my wife into the ceiling hoist for me?
F: No, assembling the drill press.
M: Ah. You think the drill press assembly was the problem and the ceiling hoist was the solution. It's the other way around. I can't get the go-ahead on the hoist without an urgent need.
F: Make me a bowl and a pen and I won't tell her.
This is how I get commissions for woodwork now, apparently.
My 30yo benchtop drill press bit the dust so I splurged on a floor model. I was so excited when it arrived that I took some time off from work to assemble it, only to discover the motor is too heavy for me to lift onto the post!
So my shop upgrade will soon include a ceiling mounted trolley hoist but everything else is on hold until then due to drill parts scattered about the floor and bench.
My wife jokes about moving ourselves into the garage and moving the shop into the house. Seems legit.
@holon42 Damn, I botched that! Although in my defense,
I believe my mother-in-law would gladly figure out how to navigate an infinitesimally small hole in order to invade and gum to death any unsuspecting prey on the other side. I doubt I'll be able to gengineer that level of skill into anything, though.
They say an octopus can fit into any opening smaller than its beak, so I am attempting to gengineer a beakless octopus. It will be the most invasive species ever, but only against prey that it can gum to death.
Just like my mother-in-law.
@cassandra17lina If today is any indication, I might as well if I posted more #humor and less #bdsm #woodcraft. That latter being something of a niche audience, I suspect. 😉
@Smersh One year SB Sunday fell on my birthday and FIL took "me" to Disney World (really he used me as an excuse to take my kids but no complaints here) and we had our run of the park. Best Disney trip ever, and we planned family things on SB Sunday for years after.
@cassandra17lina Thanks! So far getting a bit less engagement but of much higher quality so it's a net positive.
Deleted my tdotrob and deepqueue accounts off the birdsite today. I was a bit of an evangelist for the site back in the day so it took a while to come to terms with dropping it entirely.
Thing is, moderation and an anchor in reality are essential ingredients at this scale. Elmo has discarded both. There's a good argument that an API is at least a strong force multiplier or even essential, and that's now gone as well.
So I'm done. Burned the boats and committed to the Fediverse.
@kay_dub That would work. It's a nice size for a small gathering or as part of a larger spread. Main thing is I'd probably switch to a wood with tighter pores or apply a good cutting board wax first. I think the Purple heart would be tough to clean otherwise.
BTW - I said a while back that I don't sell stuff I make & someone pointed out this last piece was commissioned.
Actually, I take commissions all the time - most often in trade for fresh cut wood but sometimes for a fee. I don't want the hassle of maintaining a storefront & competing with commodity items, but I love collaborating with people who appreciate hand-crafted items that will get lots of use. Usually that's pens, bowls or platters, but I have no issue making toys.
I make stuff with code and with wood. Just, you know, not at the same time.
#actuallyautistic #cybersecurity #woodturner