Wife from kitchen: [mumble]
Me: Speak up! Did you say we are out of time?
Wife: Yes.
Me: Did we have an appointment today?
Wife: No.
Me: Are you leaving me?
Wife [louder now]: No, you idiot, but I'm considering it! THYME. T. H. Y. M. E. We are out of thyme.
Me: Oh. Pretty sure we have parsley, sage AND rosemary, though.
Wife: OK, now I *am* leaving you.
@tdotrob I laughed way too hard at this lol
@tdotrob Oh the memories flooding back from when I was married! 😂
@tdotrob ❤️ Wise woman!
On "Improv dinner night" I whip something up from whatever is to hand.
Tonight I flash-seared some salmon, then poached it the rest of the way in a creamy wine sauce with sliced carrots and baby bellas.
Wife: This is amazing! Where'd you find the recipe?
Me: In the fridge.
She's no longer threatening to leave me.