Dear self-proclaimed cultural commetator: The New York Times stopped reflecting the public's attitude quite some time ago.

Oh, and no, Spotify is not my friend.

As I continue to grow up (sort of), the importance of soft hands on the guitar continues to reveal itself....

Sweet dreams, 'nauts ~

Late Guitar Nerdery moment:
Boss MO-2 + JHS Harmonic Tremolo gives a right fair approximation of the sound of Black Hole Sun (add a Rat for the chorus). (For those of us without room or budget for a Leslie....)
Good night!!

Okay, so after a deep breath or two, it feels like part of the hair on fire reaction to the debate is due to the ridiculous amount of screaming buildup. If for two weeks prior we can't escape the hype over the thing, an overreaction is inevitable. Now, mighty efforts will have to be applied to shift the focus back where it should be.

Tiny fragment of rant to come: Spotify expects creators to monitor playlists and report suspicious activity. That should not be the artists' job any more than it was Elvis' job to investigate payola.

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t heislen

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