@LlamaMountainStudioArts You're now resonating with the broader point I'm making.
Who is responsible for corporate greed?
Who do you trust to reel it in?
Corporations exercise many different kinds of leadership. Media companies lead culture with the stories they tell. Banks lead the economy with the financial decisions they make. Corporations of all kinds influence politics with the money they invest.
There are good reasons to not trust them, yet they have incalculable amounts of power.
@LlamaMountainStudioArts Ultimately, if corporations want us to believe that global warming is a hoax because having to face it will negatively affect their bottom line, there are innumerable avenues available to them, and lots of leaders eager to help, for the right price.
And when a lie hits sufficient traction, good people propagate it in good faith, for decades.
Waking up to the levels of complicity in a thing of this scale is staggering.