Called Daisy, or "dAIsy," the voice-based AI mimics a senior citizen to hold meandering conversations with phone scammers - In a video demonstrating Daisy, soundbites from real conversations show scammers becoming increasingly exasperated, being kept on the phone for upwards of 40 minutes, and holding out hope they will get a credit card number or bank details. The AI model that O2 made sounds very convincingβitβs doing all the processing in real-time
@Tacitus_Kilgore Don't. You won't like the answer. Minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day.
That's how we do this.
Fuck the future.
It can wait.
We need each other now.
@NiveusLepus Oh whoopee! Here. Have a non-invasive, anxiety-friendly, completely free hug.
For I am Stuey
And I am...
The Hugmasterrrrrrrr!
@Tacitus_Kilgore Better odds betting your last five bucks on a rank outsider in the Kentucky Derby abd much more fun π€£
@sjvn Why? Why would you move from one dungheap to another? They're all selling you wherever you go except here.
Welcome to the only social media platform on the internet that DOES NOT exist to sell everything about you. #CoSoTips
CounterSocial has no bots, no trolls, and no ads. The entire platform has been hardened to prevent user tracking. Every post is stripped of metadata. You have complete control over the privacy of your account, the content you see, and the users you interact with.
All of this is made possible through the generous support of our users, who chip in to keep the servers going.
On CoSo, YOU ARE NOT FOR SALE. No other social can claim the same. #CoSoTips
@Ch3fchr1sto If that's what it takes to get through and still have some energy for the future fight, so be it, I guess. It sucks.
@Ch3fchr1sto I'm not the least bit surprised, Chef. It's all just completely exhausting.
@EllyOnTheGo Yes. It is.
@EllyOnTheGo That last sentence might be *exactly* how they're feeling too. So maybe do the reaching out.
Maybe something like
"Hey! Sorry I haven't been in touch lately.
I should be better at reaching out but the truth is I'm tired. I bet you feel like that too, sometimes. Anyway, how are you?"
@GaryPoole Ouch.
Worth it though! π€£
@SnelsetterFarm Yes! Those veg boxes are amazing if you can get one. Total pot luck on ehat's in them, so you eat fruit and veggies you might not buy at full price.
@maybeimaleo Probably. Encouragingly Aldi have recently improved their animal welfare standards to beyond EU requirements for chicken so at least the chickens were well treated.
I often buy chicken legs and thighs and debone them myself because the flavour is so much nicer, but this extra convenience is a handy timesaver.
Aldi and Lidl have started stocking chicken thigh fillets. That's deboned, skinless chicken thighs.
Less than half the price of breast fillet and more than twice the flavour but equally convenient.
@Alfred You're a legend! Cheers!
@Alfred I have some dark rum and ruby port. Please give me a cocktail recipe which uses both of those ingredients.
Alternately heartbreaking and laugh out loud, the one that broke me was Angela's Ashes.
@GaryPoole Yessss! How much for a bathtub's worth of skittles?
Turbo Dude.
π³οΈβπ Bi
Founder of #caffeineclub
If you *only* post politics or twitter screenshots we won't be friends.